The Helsinki Agreement, also known as the Declaration of Helsinki, is a set of ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. It was first adopted at the 18th World Medical Association (WMA) General Assembly in Helsinki, Finland in 1964. The agreement was revised several times, with the latest version released in 2013.

The Helsinki Agreement provides guidelines for medical research with human subjects, including the obligation to obtain informed consent and to ensure the safety and well-being of subjects. It also requires researchers to ensure that the risks of participating in the study are minimized and that the potential benefits are maximized.

One of the key aspects of the Helsinki Agreement is the requirement for ethical review of medical research. It stipulates that all research involving human subjects must be reviewed by an independent ethics committee or institutional review board (IRB) to ensure that the study meets ethical standards and that the rights and welfare of subjects are protected.

The Helsinki Agreement has had a significant impact on medical research around the world. It has helped to promote ethical research practices and has served as a model for ethical guidelines in many countries. The agreement has also been incorporated into international law and is recognized by many governments and organizations as a standard for ethical medical research.

In the field of medicine, the Helsinki Agreement has helped to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects in clinical trials and medical studies. It has also helped to promote transparency and accountability in medical research, which is essential for building public trust and confidence in the healthcare system.

As a professional, it is important to note that the Helsinki Agreement is a relevant topic for medical and healthcare websites. Including information on the agreement and how it impacts medical research can help to increase the visibility and credibility of a website. Keywords such as “Helsinki Agreement”, “medical ethics”, and “human subjects” can be incorporated into the content to improve search engine optimization.